Saturday, February 2, 2013

from the Fleet Headquarters : New fleet Organization

From: Fleet Headquarters - Admiralty Island - Winterfell Eventide
To : the entire Wild Fleet

effective immediately

the Wild Fleet is from now organized on three main squadrons plus a number of support formations.
The three squadrons are

  • Home Squadron
  • High Seas Squadron 
  • Mainland Squadron 
the ships Star of Summer, Star of Winterfell and Battle Star will be the flagships of the three squadrons respectively.

The Star of Christmas is retired from active duty and moved into the reserve flottilla. The Star of Winterfell will assume the duties of overall fleet flagship.

Sailing Around Winterfell

The gunboat flottilla will continue to patrol the homeland waters and will operate in support of the fleet when necessary.

The Steam Squadron and the Airship Squadron will continue to operate independently.

The Special Ops Squadron will become a division within the Mainland Squadron and will assume the name of Special Ops division.

A further notice will detail the assignment of ships to divisions and squadrons.


VADM Wildstar Beaumont
Admiralty Island - Winterfell Eventide

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like all is well-arranged, and in good hands. Carry on!
